Friday, February 25, 2005

Deadmines attempt one

Thought I'd write a quick note since Jason S., Vijay and I went into the deadmines alone last night for a bit of 'instance' style epic questing. We hit them for about 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours (doesn't your sense of time go out the window when you're playing). We very nearly completed it, getting to the one before the pen-ultimate boss - the first mate. Sadly his two stealthed body guards took us by surprise and the three of them managed to wipe us all out - we dove back in again (we'd already had 3 wipe-outs (everyone dies)) but found all the wee miner folk had respawned and it was going to be a tad tough getting through to where we were again. Looks like the respawn for these fellas is in the 2-3 hour mark and this is probably the best window to try to finish the area.
Damn fine effort from all concerned though - we got the hang of pulling one or two meanies, beating on them alot with rasputin playing healer and Jediscrollit and craghewn playing tanks/damage dealer. Was most fun but definitely recommend 4 minimum for the instance.
A few pointers:
* watch out for the bosses - particularly the goblin in the shredder - he gets up and beats on you when you kill the shredder and managed to give us our first wipe out
* goblins in general are alot tougher than they look
* watch out for goblin engineers - they spawn robot sentries which are cool but can quickly swamp you (another wipe out there)
* watch out for the door in the big smelting room - there are mages stealthed round there and you get your bottom spanked (I believe we got wiped out here too)
* be aware that there are likely stealthed body guards near / on the ship
* if you're really stuck - hit the water!


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