Thursday, December 22, 2005

The guild take down RAGNAROS - and I was there!

Note my shiny new [Finkles lava dredger] (have a look at for details)

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Bigger tree in IF!

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riding along on a reindeer!

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Me as a gnome

Not I'm a corporal here :)

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Special christmas vendors!

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It really is christmas!

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christmas in ironforge

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pffff - wow down for a night

grumble. guess its not happened too much lately but still bloody irritating.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

cool - Going To School In Azeroth

Going To School In Azeroth: "Via the Guardian Gamesblog, a link to an unusual ethnography class. From the post: '[The site is] a selection of weblogs and reports from students at Trinity University in the States who've been charged by their prof, Aaron Delwiche (a good friend to virtual worlds weblog Terra Nova), to conduct ethnographies of the hugely successful World of Warcraft as part of their credit requirements for their 'Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games' course. The 15 term papers and the associated documentation are great first steps for the students in examining the social character of online social spaces, and a very good insight for people who've never had the chance to dive into one of these virtual worlds.'"

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Burning Crusade Interview - definately worth a read

Burning Crusade Interview: "CVG had the chance to chat with lead producer Shane Dabiri about the upandcoming The Burning Crusade expansion. Go give it a read.What are you..."